Kirkland Tree Service
What You Need To Know About Removing A Tree From Your Kirkland Property
- If you need to have a significant tree removed from a private property with no conditions, you will need to fill out a tree removal notification form, which has no fees associated with it.
- If you need tree removal on a property with conditions or you are removing more than 2 trees, then you will need a tree removal permit, which requires a $200 fee. An arborist report is usually required though you may submit photos for trees with obvious defects or trees causing damage to your property.
What is Kirkland’s definition of a “significant” tree?
Trees with trunks greater than 6 inches in diameter, measured 4 ½ ft. from the ground
Property Conditions That Trigger A Tree Removal Permit
- Request is for the removal of 1 or both of the last 2 significant trees remaining on the subject property
- Property has a new residence built within the last 5 years
- Property contains a Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE)
- Property within 100 feet of a critical area (streams, slopes with a grade 15% or greater, wetlands)
- Property containing subdivision restrictions listed on deed or plat map
- Property removing a tree along the shoreline of Lake Washington
If you have any questions concerning a tree removal on your Kirkland property, call the City of Kirkland’s Planning and Community Development Department at (425) 587-3225.