Bellevue Tree Service
Removing Trees From My Bellevue Property
Yes, as long as there are no restrictions on your property you can remove a tree, even several trees without a permit. If the tree removal results in over 1,000 sq. feet of disturbance of the ground, you are required to obtain a clearing and grading permit.
Restrictions That May Prevent You From Removing A Tree
- Your subdivision or PUD (Planned Unit Development) may prohibit removal
- Your property contains a critical area, such as a steep slope, stream corridor or wetland, or if one is located adjacent to or near your property.
- Your property is subject to private contracts, covenants or homeowner associations that may have other rules.
Special Restrictions For R-1 Zone In The Bridle Trails Subarea
To preserve their unique neighborhood, specific tree preservation requirements have been placed on the R-1 zone in Bridle Trails. These requirements are placed on “significant” trees, meaning any healthy tree 8 inches or greater in diameter, measured 4 feet above the ground and mostly affect the perimeter area of all property lines.
While a clearing and grading permit is required for the removal of any significant tree in the R-1 zone, you are allowed to remove up to 2 significant trees on a lot within a 3-year period without meeting the perimeter and interior tree retention requirements. When 8 or fewer trees remain on your property, you are required to replace any of the last 8 trees with an equal number of trees.